Sunday 4 July 2021

My Hunger Dream

 Wanted to Runaway, far and far away. 

My dream, far..far..away from me, and to reach it.

I wanted to Runaway, far and far away.


Feeling like running, never wanted to look back at least for one second. 

God, give me wings to fly high.

God, please give me the energy to Run, Run and Run. 

God, at least give me courage and strength.

God, I hope you are with me. 

Let me take small steps or let me walk or let me Run or let me jump or Let's me fly now. 

I'm obsessed with my dream... I'm obsessed with being at the same place, I'm obsessed to create my new life,

 I'm obsessed to fight.

I'm obsessed with my dream.

I, I wanted to make it happen. 

Yes, I'm obsessed now. 

Yes, I will take small steps, yes I will walk, yes I will Run, and yes, I will fly One day😎. 

Still then, 

 I will be patient with me, 

I'm in forcing myself,

I'm in holding myself, 

But, one day,  that one day 

 I will prove myself. 

God, you already know me that I'm innocent inside my heart 

You even know that,

I will not harm anyone. 

I will not think wrongly any time of anybody.

 I will not let others down in my heart too.

God, you know me. And 

I know you.

Believe me.. Support me. Because I'm yours 

 I'm your child. 

Not only me. Support the people who are trying to build themselves, achieve dreams, and try to be the best versions of themselves.